Free Universal Credit Training for Landlords – Weston Super Mare, Wednesday 15th November 2017. (pre-booking essential)

Wednesday 15th November 12.30pm – 4pm. Location; 2nd Floor, The Imperial, Weston Super Mare.


Local representatives from the DWP will be presenting an intensive afternoon on welfare reform via Universal Credit (UC), which is VERY important for local landlords to understand.

PLUS, a short talk on The Ark Passport Scheme; a brand new solution to help more benefit assisted and low income tenants secure private rented accommodation – working in collaboration with North Somerset Council.


Accredited landlords will receive 5 CPD points for attending.

Please book your place ASAP as this course will be very popular and there are limited spaces available. To book, email;

(refreshments will be included) 

Universal Credit is by far the largest shake-up of the benefits system that the whole of the UK has ever known and will affect over 12 million people and has already had a major impact on the private rented sector due to rent arrears.

Landlords will find out how they can help their tenants receive interim payments, as it takes six weeks upon completion of the registration before claimants can receive their first Universal Credit payment.


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