Adult Safeguarding

If you are concerned that an adult may be at risk of abuse or know of a worrying situation such as an adult neglecting themselves, as a landlord what can you do?

Don’t tolerate it, don’t ignore it, report it.

You can call your local council, selecting the adult social care option to discuss and report any safeguarding concerns.

(In an emergency situation, for example when a crime is in progress, or someone’s life is at risk due to violence, serious illness or injury, please dial 999.)


Why do we need to safeguard adults?

Everyone has the right to live their life free from violence, fear and abuse.
All adults have the right to be protected from harm and exploitation.
Not everyone can protect themselves.
All adults have the right to independence, which may involve risk.


Which adults are at risk?

People aged 18 or over who:
May rely on other people or services for care and support with day to day tasks because of their age, physical or learning disability, mental health need or involvement in substance misuse
May lack mental capacity
May not be able to speak up for themselves
May neglect themselves and/or their home


Adults at risk can be:

Physically abused
Psychologically abused
Financially abused
Sexually abused
Discriminated against


Abuse can take many forms such as:

Shouting or swearing, which makes a person fearful
Hitting, slapping or pushing
Unwanted touching, kissing or sexual intercourse or sexual contact to which a person cannot consent
Not being cared for properly or denied privacy, choice or social contact
Money or property taken without permission or under pressure
Pressure to sign over money or property or financial transactions to which a person cannot consent
Domestic abuse, which includes incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, honour based violence and female genital mutilation
Modern Slavery, encompassing human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude.


As a landlord, BE AWARE. You may well be the only person aware of the situation.

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