Do you have a property in Devonport, Ham or St Budeaux electoral wards? (to include Devonport, Keyham, Morice Town, Ham, Weston Mill, Pennycross, North Prospect, Kings Tamerton, St Budeaux, Barne Barton and parts of Stoke and Beacon Park)
To check which ward a property falls into, the postcode can be entered at and it will tell you immediately.
Plymouth Energy Community are working with Plymouth City Council to provide free energy saving measures to homeowners and private renting tenants. Everything that they provide is free including;
- LED lightbulbs
- Draught excluders (door, window, letter box etc)
- Pipe and tank lagging
- New Thermostatic Radiator Valves (if not present or not functioning efficiently).
- Advice on reducing damage caused by condensation
No means testing. Completely free of charge.
To enquire, call 01752 477117 or email
Click the following link for more info; Energy Team – Big Bills Save Money