On Friday 16th November, Gillian Kerr (Office Manager) and Iain Maitland (Vice Chair of SWLA) attended a Teignbridge District Council Stakeholders Event in Kennford.
Housing progress and plans for 2018/19 were discussed and many ideas were shared.
Landlord Training Course
End of Tenancy including Repossessions
Monday 4th February 2019 – 9:30am – 4:30pm
Venue – Charter Room, Plymouth Guildhall, Royal Parade, Plymouth PL1 1HA
If you are accredited this will count towards your CPD hours, but the course is open to all.
Cost for SWLA members – £65. Cost for non-SWLA members – £75.
Course will cover:-
Places secured upon receipt of payment, book your place through the office 01752 510913.
Course will be instructed by Stephen Fowler from Training for Professionals.
Venue – Astor Room, Plymouth Guildhall, Royal Parade, Plymouth PL1 1HA
Price – £65 for members of SWLA, £75 for non – members for one day course.
Course covers ASTs, Deposits, Section 21s, Section 8s, HMOs, Gas and Electrical Safety, Inventories and much more.
The course will provide you with all the skills to start, manage and finish a tenancy.
Places still available. Contact the office on 01752 510913 or via the website to book your place, places secured on receipt of payment.
Over 720 landlords have already completed this course since September 2011.
Course can lead to Accreditation, if required.
If your tenant is struggling with their finances or benefit claim, you can direct them to Shelter for help. Shelter are opening their Information Resource Centre in Ernest English House, Buckwell Street, Plymouth in December 2018. There will be 2 computers and a phone line, with a full-time member of staff dedicated to helping your tenants with guided self-help. Guidance will be for benefit claims, housing applications, job searches, Shelter ‘get help’ pages and other related assistance. The member of staff who will be running this service is called Rachel Hembury. The Information Resource Centre can be accessed Monday to Friday 9.30-12.30 and 13.30-15.30, no appointment is necessary.
SWLA Chair Steve Lees, Vice Chair Iain Maitland and Policy Officer Linda Johns met with Matt Garrett (Head of Community Connections PCC) and Councillor Chris Penberthy at the SWLA Office to discuss the following items;
Wednesday 12th December 3pm – 6pm
Come and join SWLA staff, committee and members for a mince pie and a drink. All members welcome.
Steve Lees (SWLA Chair) attended the Shelter meeting on Monday 5th November 2018 with PATH, CAB, Plymouth City Council, Plymouth Homes 4 Let and other representatives from housing related agencies.
Topics discussed included; –
Membership renewal payments of £45.00 are due by today (01/11/2018). Thank you to members who have paid already.
Renewal receipts will be sent by email unless a paper copy has been requested by post.
If you haven’t yet renewed, you can do so by paying a BACs (Bank Transfer) payment to –
Account Name: SWLA Sort Code: 20-68-10 Account Number: 50498610 (remember to include your name and membership number!)
Alternatively, you can send a cheque to SWLA
SWLA, 30 Dale Road, Plymouth, PL4 6PD
Please note, you do not need to return your membership renewal form in the post. By paying your membership fee, you are agreeing to continue the membership terms of your original membership.