Question time with Johnny Mercer MP

Friday 20th September, Vice Chair Iain Maitland attended a question time with Johnny Mercer MP at the Borringdon Golf Club hosted by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) South West.

Johnny, the new Minister for Defence People and Veterans, answered many questions regarding veterans issues and the good things which were hopefully coming.

Iain had the opportunity to ask for Johnny’s opinion on the abolition of the Section 21 notice for possession. Johnny was apparently unaware of what it was, the effects it would have on the Private Rented Sector and of a letter sent by SWLA on 19th July 2019 giving them information and offering to brief them on the effects of the abolition without adequately replacing it.

SWLA will again contact Johnny’s office with information provided by the Fair Possessions Coalition (18 PRS bodies; SWLA are members) and hope that he can add his support to ensuring a robust replacement for Section 21 before it’s abolition.

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