Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced, on 26th March, a new Self-employment Income Support Scheme for self-employed individuals (including members of partnerships) whose income has been negatively impacted by COVID-19;
- scheme aims to be available from beginning on June 2020
- taxable grant of 80% of average profit over last 3 years (capped at £2,500 per month)
- scheme open for 3 months and possibly extended if needed
- limited to those with trading profit of up to £50,000 per annum
- only those with a tax return for 2019 can apply (4 week window from 26/03/2020 to get one in if one wasn’t filed)
- tax payments can be deferred until next year
For further information and eligibility, see the information page ‘Business Support’
If tenants are struggling through this difficult time, please see the following guidance for landlords from SWLA;