Tax Advice from Go Simple Tax

HMRC to stop automatically sending out physical copies of tax-return forms as part of an attempt to drive up use of digital platforms as the service goes digital;,hmrc-to-stop-automatically-sending-out-physical-copies-of-taxreturn-forms_15243.htm

Webinars on Income Tax and VAT;

It is important now more than ever to prepare your self-employed tax return. 

It pays to plan ahead. Already the deadline for second payments on account has been deferred, and it seems inevitable that new forms of help will be announced over the coming months to further support those affected by the lockdown. So, to know where you stand, submit your Self Assessment tax return early.

But remember, filing early doesn’t mean paying early. It just means that you can find out the amount you’ll owe in January. From there, you can better inform your spending and enjoy complete peace of mind…

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