Need help letting your property?
You may want to consider the North Somerset Council Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS)

North Somerset Council VPRS are seeking properties from private rented landlords to help resettle vulnerable refugee families, giving them a chance to rebuild a safe, secure life in North Somerset.
Benefits to you!
- Rent paid directly to you, the Landlord;
- Dedicated North Somerset Council, Family Support Worker who will visit the family on a regular basis;
- Dedicated Volunteers that can help with a wide range of issues;
- Guaranteed Local Housing Authority rate payment with discretion to provide top up for the first year;
- Access to tenant ready grants (up to £1,000) and interest-free tenant ready loan (up to £5,000);
- To make a difference to a vulnerable family seeking refuge in the UK.
Interested? For further information, please contact:
Caroline Crossley, VPRS Project Officer for North Somerset Council on
01934 427275 or 07824085818