Landlords with tenants with complex needs; training & information

Information from PATH (Plymouth Access to Housing)- –  click the log in button in top right hand corner of the page, then click ‘join the frontline network’ . This is a regular newsletter which includes the kind of training that workers in services like PATH do. Including around understanding trauma. – various training including conflict resolution and mental health awareness. Many courses have a cost involved.

Useful information for landlords:

Useful information for tenants:

PATH recently did a short survey with landlords and agents who regularly take people from PATH as tenants. They have had feedback that landlords and agents might like training around dealing with tenants (including in shared houses) who have poor mental health.

Poor mental health usually has its roots in trauma. The Trauma Informed Plymouth Network would be happy to offer a free 60 minute Introduction to Trauma course which would cover themes like:

What is trauma

How common is trauma

Signs and symptoms of trauma for individuals and communities

Stress responses to trauma – seeing behaviour as communication

Why an understanding of trauma is important  

Responding to trauma with a trauma-informed approach

Please contact Vicky Brooks at if you would be interested in booking a place

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