Cornwall Landlords & Tenants – Please Take Part in PRS Survey

Cornwall Council is proposing to change its ‘Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy’ to incorporate new legislation and to improve how the Council currently uses its enforcement powers.  Much of the draft policy is unchanged from the previous version, but where changes are proposed they wish to make sure that they consult fully.

To facilitate this consultation they have launched a survey.  The survey will be live until 27/05/2022 and it can be found here:  Private Landlord and Tenant Consultation | Let’s Talk Cornwall

The survey contains questions to help the Council gather current opinion on discretionary licensing. This survey is not a discretionary licensing statutory consultation, and the questions have been added to the survey to help Cornwall Council understand opinion on discretionary licensing at this moment in time, and to help them get the most value out of the exercise.

The survey also asks whether Cornwall Council should be doing more tenant engagement work, please also encourage tenants to complete the survey in any way that you can. If you have any questions, or would like to meet to discuss any part of this consultation exercise then please do not hesitate to contact Joe Roberts or Stuart Kenney –

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