SWLA Membership Renewal Reminder


£50 for Annual Membership starting 1st November 2022

If paying by BACS, please include your full name (and where possible your membership number).

 BACS payments to SWLA: Sort Code- 20-68-10, Account Number- 50498610

Make cheques payable to SWLA. Please write your full name (and where possible your membership number) on the back of the cheque.
Send to; SWLA, 30 Dale Road, Plymouth PL4 6PD

Call the office or pop in to pay by card. Opening hours 10am – 3pm Monday to Friday.
01752 510913

By paying your membership renewal, you agree to continue to be a subscriber to clause 7 of the Memorandum of Association of SWLA and the Code of Conduct. See swla.gsl.media.

Your receipt will be emailed when payment has been received unless a paper copy is requested. A membership card is no longer automatically issued but can be requested or picked up from the office.

Please let us know if you do not wish to renew, or if any of your contact details have changed.

Landlord Insurance – Get a no obligation quote from one of SWLA’s approved specialists. Competitive prices, extensive cover.  Batemans- 0800 731 6689, Oakfield- 01752 717667

Landlord Training and Accreditation – ONLY £65 for a one day course. Be professional, be accredited. See website for all upcoming training course details.

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