SWLA General Speaker Meeting Review

Thanks our 54 members and guests who braved the bad weather to attend our latest speaker meeting at The Future Inn, Plymouth! It was great to chat to members old and new and listen to our excellent speakers.

We had Claire Weeks of Coast Inventories, a very experienced and professional inventory clerk who many of our members use for their inventories. It seems that inventories are becoming more and more important for landlords who want to really protect themselves and their investment, especially with upcoming legislation changes. Coast Inventories – South West Landlords Association (landlordssouthwest.co.uk)

We also had David Aggiss kindly returning to speak to our members, after speaking at our online meetings in lockdown. A captive audience enjoyed hearing the current trends and changes in the mortgage market – gaining knowledge about borrowing and the different ways to achieve their financial aims. Three Sixty Mortgages – South West Landlords Association (landlordssouthwest.co.uk)

We also had TradePoint/B&Q attend, reminding our members about the 10% discount for SWLA members. For details on how to apply, please contact the SWLA office.

We look forward to our next meeting!

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