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Coronavirus – Plymouth City Council, Community Connections, Addendum to Housing Policies

Posted on April 8th, 2020 -

Covid 19 addendum to policies document; https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/COVID%2019%20Addendum%20-%20Housing%20Improvement%20and%20HMO.pdf

Information from PCC about housing during the coronavirus crisis; https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/coronaviruscovid19informationabouthousing

General information from PCC regarding local services, advice and support during the coronavirus crisis; https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/covid-19

Please read the addendum document and visit the links above to keep up to date on services and the private rented sector in Plymouth.

A few highlights from the document;

  • As part of a national effort to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak it is vital that local authorities, landlords and tenants work together to keep rented properties safe.
  • The Government is asking everyone to do all they can to help stop coronavirus spreading and has published advice on maintaining strict separation from others wherever possible during this unprecedented time.
  • During this time it may be harder for local authorities to carry out their usual work. Inspecting properties and taking enforcement action may be affected by issues around resources or tenants maintaining strict separation. Landlords may also find it harder to comply with their legal obligations for the same reasons.
  • We are looking to adopt the cancellation of all non-critical inspections. Our officers will continue to review all new complaints that come into the service, but will now prioritise only those that are deemed critical.
  • We will only look to take enforcement action that we determine is necessary, and this will be determined on a case by case basis. We have reviewed our existing policies to meet the changing circumstances caused by COVID-19 and latest government advice regarding the outbreak, and will continue to be mindful to ensure pragmatic, appropriate and risk based action is taken.
  • We have taken the decision to suspend all non-urgent proactive work where there is not a duty to carry this out, for example scheduled targeted action or inspections of licensable properties, and prioritising reactive work, e.g. complaints from tenants. A triage system will be used to ensure the most serious risks are prioritised and vulnerable tenants are protected. This will operate on a case by case basis. Following government guidance, any decision to continue or suspend proactive action will be made based on an assessment of risk and the most current government advice about the outbreak.
  • We continue to work closely with landlords and tenants to ensure standards in rented properties are maintained. We will be contacting landlords and using communications to emphasise the importance of keeping properties free from hazardous conditions, but also reassure them that a pragmatic, risk-based and common-sense approach will be used when enforcement decisions are taken.

Questions & Answers The following is not exhaustive and is not meant to be legal advice.


Q. What about the legal duty local authorities have to take the appropriate
enforcement action if they consider that a category 1 hazard exists on any
residential premises?
A. We will:
Consider carefully what would be appropriate action during the current situation and review/update enforcement policies accordingly.
Prioritise resources to ensure vulnerable tenants and imminent risks to health are targeted

Property licensing
Q. What about the legal duty local authorities have to ensure that all applications for licences are determined within a reasonable time?
**In Plymouth we only operate the mandatory House in Multiple Occupation licensing scheme.**
We will:
Contact landlords who are waiting for licences to be determined to explain potential delays.
Take individual landlords’ circumstances into account where licence fee payments may have been delayed due to the current situation.
Prioritise high-risk licensable properties if this is necessary to protect vulnerable tenants and target imminent risks to health.
Continue to take a pragmatic and common-sense approach to enforcement action.

Scheduled inspections, e.g. gas, electricity

Q. What about the requirement for landlords to ensure certain installations are in place or safe, for example gas, fire alarms, emergency lighting?
A. We will:
Consider carefully if landlords can show evidence that they have been unable to carry out inspections or works, despite having taken reasonable steps, before carrying out any enforcement.
Government guidance advises that inspectors/maintenance workers can still visit blocks of flats and multi-occupied properties for essential or urgent work such as inspecting and testing fire alarm and emergency lighting systems.

Coronavirus – BBC Radio 4 – Landlords and Tenants Rights

Posted on April 8th, 2020 -

Louise Cooper and guests discuss what rights tenants and landlords have as the coronavirus crisis continues. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000h1md

New N5B – Claim Form for Possession of a Property Located in England

Posted on April 8th, 2020 -

6th April 2020, the Government published a new version of the N5B (to use when applying to the courts for accelerated possession of a property after serving a Section 21 notice to tenants and the notice period ending).


Note – From 27th March 2020 all possession cases are suspended for 90 days, therefore this form will not be in use until after the suspension is lifted.

Coronavirus – Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

Posted on April 8th, 2020 -

The Government has released advice on meeting the regulatory requirement to secure a valid Energy Performance Certificate on marketing a property during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

A valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a legal requirement when a property is sold, let or constructed and must be completed by an accredited assessor unless an exemption can be applied.


  • EPC assessments should only be conducted in accordance with government advice on home moving during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and where the EPC assessment can be conducted safely.
  • An EPC is a legal requirement when a property is sold, let or constructed and must be completed by an accredited assessor using standard assessment procedures.
  • Where a property is occupied, parties must endeavour to agree that the transaction can be delayed, so that an EPC assessment can proceed when stay-at-home measures to fight coronavirus (COVID-19) are no longer in place.
  • If moving is unavoidable and the parties are unable to reach an agreement to delay, and a valid EPC is not available from the register, an assessment may need to be conducted. In these circumstances, government guidelines on staying away from others to minimise the spread of the virus must be followed alongside the guidance for carrying out work in people’s homes.
  • EPC assessments can continue in cases where your property is vacant.
  • No assessments should take place if any person in the property is showing symptoms, self-isolating or being shielded – if securing an EPC is critical you should seek to reschedule your appointment when it is safe to do so in accordance with Government guidelines on staying away from others.

TradePoint – SWLA Discount, Click & Collect

Posted on April 8th, 2020 -



Landlord repair responsibilities remain the same throughout the Coronavirus pandemic. All non essential repairs should be rescheduled for a later date. All essential repairs should go ahead with tradespeople/landlords following Government advice on social distancing and ‘stay at home’ measures.

SWLA members with a TradePoint card can still get their 5% trade discount (increasing to 10% if spending threshold reached).


  1. Visit the TradePoint website https://www.trade-point.co.uk/#
  2. Log into your TradePoint account (if you haven’t activated your account yet you will need to do so using your TradePoint card number and choose a password)
  3. Once you are logged in, you can add items to your basket for contact free Click & Collect at a local B&Q store. The discount will automatically come off as you are logged into your TradePoint account. (There are some delivery slots available but are in very high demand).
  4. Pay for your goods, you will then receive a confirmation email
  5. Once your order is ready for collection, the store will contact you to confirm it’s ready. This is usually the day after placing your order but can take up to 72 hours if the store is busy.
  6. Go to the contact free Click and Collect area of the car park, take your order confirmation (either printed or on your phone). Take photo ID or the card you paid with for ID. If someone else is collecting, they will need the order confirmation and their own photo ID.
  7. Your items will be left by your car ready for you to load. Remember to follow the 2 metres apart social distance measures.

For landlords who do not have a TradePoint card, B&Q is also open and allowing socially distanced shopping; https://www.diy.com/

Coronavirus – Caring for Plymouth Support Hub

Posted on April 2nd, 2020 -

The operation to shield Plymouth’s most vulnerable residents from the Coronavirus.

Caring for Plymouth, which is an alliance between the Council, Livewell Southwest and a large number of Voluntary and Community Sector organisations, will ensure that these people are provided with emotional support, shopping, medicine collection, support with paying bills and accessing money. Staff providing the service will have had background checks to provide added piece of mind.

In addition, the Caring for Plymouth Support Hub will support other vulnerable older and disabled people who are affected by Covid 19 and who have no-one to support them to maintain their independence.


Coronavirus – Electrical Safety

Posted on April 1st, 2020 -

Five-year electrical safety checks will still be mandatory for landlords for all new tenancies from 01 July 2020. This will still be rolled out to all existing tenancies from 01 April 2021. 

Coronavirus has not impacted these regulations, the Government have confirmed the following;

Landlords must provide tenants with all necessary gas and electrical safety and any other relevant certification at the beginning of a tenancy (and carry out all scheduled inspections and tests where required). Where inspections have already been carried out, documents can be provided by post or in some circumstances it may be possible to provide digital copies.

Landlords should make every effort to abide by existing gas safety regulations and electrical safety regulations which come into force on 1 July. There are provisions in both regulations to account for situations in which a landlord cannot do this (see box below), and they must demonstrate they have taken all reasonable steps to comply with the law.

We are encouraging local authorities and other enforcement agencies to take a pragmatic, common-sense approach to enforcement in these unprecedented times. You can read the latest guidance for landlords and Gas Safe engineers and inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive here https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/help-and-advice/covid-19-advice-and-guidance/

For the full guidance see page 19 of the Government guidance; https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/876500/Consolidated_Landlord_and_Tenant_Guidance_COVID_and_the_PRS_v4.2.pdf

Coronavirus – The Impact on Student Accommodation

Posted on April 1st, 2020 -

‘National Code Assured Accommodation’, have released information and advice on the impact of Coronavirus on student accommodation, including within the private rented sector. It contains an overview of how the sector is reacting to the challenges it’s faced with.


MEES – ‘Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards’ Changes Now in Force (from 01 April 2020)

Posted on March 31st, 2020 -


The Domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) Regulations set a minimum energy efficiency level for domestic private rented properties. Landlords with properties rated F or G must make improvements to gain a minimum E rating, or register an exemption.

The Regulations apply to all domestic private rented properties that are:

  • let on specific types of tenancy agreement
  • legally required to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

1. Is your property let on one of the following types of domestic tenancies:

  • an assured tenancy?
  • a regulated tenancy?
  • a domestic agricultural tenancy?

2. Is your property legally required to have an EPC?

If the property you let has been marketed for sale or let, or modified, in the past 10 years then it will probably be legally required to have an EPC.

If you answered Yes to both these questions, and your property has an EPC rating of F or G, you must take appropriate steps to comply with the requirements of the MEES Regulations. 

If a local authority believes a landlord has failed to fulfil their obligations under the MEES Regulations, they can serve the landlord with a compliance notice. If a breach is confirmed, the landlord may receive a financial penalty.

For further information see the gov.uk website; https://www.gov.uk/guidance/domestic-private-rented-property-minimum-energy-efficiency-standard-landlord-guidance

Coronavirus – Temporary Measures for Right to Rent Checks

Posted on March 31st, 2020 -


As of 30th March 2020, the Government has made temporary changes to ensure that checks can continue.

  • checks can now be carried out over video calls
  • tenants can send scanned documents or a photo of documents for checks using email or a mobile app, rather than sending originals
  • landlords should use the Landlord’s Checking Service if a prospective or existing tenant cannot provide any of the existing documents

Checks will continue to be necessary and you must continue to check the prescribed documents in the code of practice on illegal immigrants and private rented accommodation and right to rent document checks: a user guide. It remains an offence to knowingly lease premises to a person who is not lawfully in the UK.

Because of COVID-19 some individuals will be unable to evidence their right to rent. During this period, you must take extra care to ensure that no-one is discriminated against because they are struggling to evidence their right to rent. For more information, please see the code of practice for landlords: avoiding unlawful discrimination when conducting right to rent checks in the private rented residential sector.

Conducting a right to rent check during the temporary COVID-19 measures

  • Ask the tenant to submit a scanned copy or a photo of their original documents via email or using a mobile app.
  • Arrange a video call with the tenant – ask them to hold up the original documents to the camera and check them against the digital copy of the documents.
  • Record the date you made the check and mark it as “an adjusted check has been undertaken on [insert date] due to COVID-19”.

If the tenant does not have the right documents

You must contact the Landlord’s Checking Service if the tenant cannot provide documents from the prescribed lists.

Once you have submitted your request to the service, please do not try to contact them again. You will get an answer within 2 working days. You must keep their response to protect against a civil penalty.

The full information can be found on the gov.uk website;


After the COVID-19 measures end

We will let you know in advance when these measures will end. After that date you must to revert to the checking process set out in the code of practice on illegal immigrants and private rented accommodation and right to rent document checks: a user guide.

You should carry out retrospective checks on tenants who:

  • started their tenancy during this period
  • required a follow-up check during this period

You should mark the retrospective check: “the individual’s tenancy agreement commenced on [insert date]. The prescribed right to rent check was undertaken on [insert date] due to COVID-19.”

The retrospective check must be carried out within 8 weeks of the COVID-19 measures ending. Both checks should be kept for your records.

The Home Office will not take any enforcement action against you if you carried out the adjusted check set out in this guidance, or a check via the Home Office, and follow this up with the retrospective check.

If, at the point of carrying out the retrospective check, you find your tenant, who started their tenancy during this period, did not have a right to rent you must take steps to end the tenancy.

If you find a tenant who required a follow-up check during this period no longer has a right to rent, you must report this to the Home Office as soon as you have carried out the check.

If the check you have undertaken during this period was done with original documentation, you do not need to undertake a retrospective check.

Coronavirus – Government Publish Guidance for Landlords and Tenants

Posted on March 31st, 2020 -


The guidance provides advice to landlords and tenants on the provisions in the Coronavirus Act 2020, and further advice for landlords, tenants and local authorities more broadly about their rights and responsibilities during the COVID-19 outbreak.

It provides non-statutory guidance for landlords and tenants in the private and social rented sectors on:

  1. Measures relating to notices seeking possession as amended
    by the Coronavirus Act 2020
  2. Court action on possession cases during the Coronavirus
    (COVID-19) outbreak
  3. Property access and health and safety obligations in the
    context of Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions

Coronavirus – Government Advice on Home Buying and Selling and Moving

Posted on March 27th, 2020 -


Parties involved in home moving are urged to adapt and be flexible to alter their usual processes. There is no need to pull out of transactions, but everyone needs to ensure they are following guidance to stay at home and away from others at all times.

Advice to the public

What does this mean for my property move which is scheduled whilst the stay-at-home measures to fight coronavirus (COIVD-19) apply?

  • Home buyers and renters should, where possible, delay moving to a new house while measures are in place to fight coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • Our advice is that if you have already exchanged contracts and the property is currently occupied then all parties should work together to agree a delay or another way to resolve this matter.
  • If moving is unavoidable for contractual reasons and the parties are unable to reach an agreement to delay, people must follow advice on staying away from others to minimise the spread of the virus.
  • In line with Government’s advice, anyone with symptoms, self-isolating or shielding from the virus, should follow medical advice which will mean not moving house for the time being, if at all possible. All parties should prioritise agreeing amicable arrangements to change move dates for individuals in this group, or where someone in a chain is in this group.



Coronavirus – 26/03/2020 Landlords Notice Increased to 3 Months (New Form 6a & Form 3). 27/03/2020 All Existing Possession Cases Suspended for 3 Months

Posted on March 27th, 2020 -

The Government has brought forward a package of measures to protect renters affected by Coronavirus. No renter will be forced out of their home.


INCREASED NOTICE PERIOD – From 26th March 2020, if a landlord intends to seek possession, a minimum notice period of 3 months must be given to to a tenant. This increased notice period will apply in law until 30th September 2020, however both the end point and the 3 month notice period can be extended if needed. This protection covers most tenants in the private and social rented sectors in England and Wales, and all grounds of eviction.

As a result of the change in law, the new Form 6a was published on 26th March 2020 and is to be used until 30 September 2020.


A new Form 3 was also published to be used when serving a Section 8 notice.


The Government makes it clear that tenants are still liable for their rent and should pay this as usual. Government support is available for tenants who are facing financial hardship.

ONGOING POSSESSION CASES SUSPENDED – From 27th March 2020, court services have suspended all ongoing housing possession action. This means that neither cases that are currently in or about to go into the system can progress to the stage where someone can be evicted. This suspension will initially last for 90 days but can be extended if needed.

If you already had a possession claim in the court system, it will stay at the position it was in until the suspension is lifted, after which it will start again from the point it was at.

If you had already served notice prior to 26th March 2020 but have not yet completed the court paperwork, you can proceed the paperwork to court as normal but no further action by the court will be taken until the after the court suspension is lifted (minimum 90 days from 27th March, may be extended).

The government is committed to supporting landlords, and maintaining the positive partnership between tenants and landlords.

LANDLORD OBLIGATIONS – Landlords remain legally obligated to to ensure properties meet the required standard. Urgent, essential health and safety repairs should be made.

An agreement for non-urgent repairs to be done later should be made between tenants and landlords. Local authorities are also encouraged to take a pragmatic, risk-based approach to enforcement.

Coronavirus – Financial Support for Self-employed

Posted on March 27th, 2020 -

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced, on 26th March, a new Self-employment Income Support Scheme for self-employed individuals (including members of partnerships) whose income has been negatively impacted by COVID-19;

  • scheme aims to be available from beginning on June 2020
  • taxable grant of 80% of average profit over last 3 years (capped at £2,500 per month)
  • scheme open for 3 months and possibly extended if needed
  • limited to those with trading profit of up to £50,000 per annum
  • only those with a tax return for 2019 can apply (4 week window from 26/03/2020 to get one in if one wasn’t filed)
  • tax payments can be deferred until next year

For further information and eligibility, see the gov.uk information page ‘Business Support’ https://www.businesssupport.gov.uk/coronavirus-business-support/

If tenants are struggling through this difficult time, please see the following guidance for landlords from SWLA;

Coronavirus – Business Rate Relief Extended to Letting Agents

Posted on March 25th, 2020 -

The Government have confirmed that business rates relief has been extended to estate and letting agents. Offices that have closed due to the measured implemented to stop the spread of Coronavirus will be exempted from business rates in 2020-2021.

Eligible businesses will be re-billed by their local authority, the new bill will give a 100% discount. If payments have been made in the meantime, they will be refunded by the local authority.

The Government advice is for all queries to be directed to the local authority. Guidance for local authorities will be published by the Government in due course.

Coronavirus – Gas Safety

Posted on March 24th, 2020 -

ALL INFORMATION IN THIS POST IS FROM GAS SAFE – HSE https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/help-and-advice/covid-19-advice-and-guidance/landlords/

Landlords have a duty of care to their tenants. This is a legal duty to repair and maintain gas pipework, flues and appliances in a safe condition, to ensure an annual gas safety check on each appliance and flue, and to keep a record of each safety check. During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, there is a balance between ensuring people, including the vulnerable, are protected from possibly fatal risks arising from carbon monoxide exposure or gas explosion, while doing what we can to protect people from COVID-19.

Current guidance from HM Government states that work can be carried out in people’s homes provided that the GOV.UK guidance on social distancing and good hygiene is followed. See safer working – other people’s homes for guidance for engineers and their employers regarding working in peoples’ homes.

The law is flexible and where it is not possible to carry out a gas safety check, it will normally be enough to show that you took reasonable steps to do so. In the event you are unable to gain access to the property, e.g. refusal of access due to tenants self-isolating, or if you are unable to engage a registered gas engineer to carry out the work due to a shortage of available engineers, you will be expected to demonstrate that you took reasonable steps to comply with the law. This should include records of communication with the tenant and details of your engineer’s attempts to gain access. You should seek to arrange the safety check as soon as all parties are available.

Landlords should not suspend all gas safety checks at this time as it will unnecessarily put tenants at increased risk, particularly as people are spending most, and in some cases all, of their time at home. Each property should be considered on a case-by-case basis, completing safety checks where tenants permit access and gas engineers are available. If you are unable to secure the services of your usual engineers, you must make reasonable attempts to obtain alternative services. Where you cannot and resource has to be prioritised you can do so, considering factors such as (this list is not exhaustive):

  • the age and type of appliances;
  • previous maintenance/work carried out;
  • breakdown history;
  • the presence of CO alarms; and
  • whether the tenant is considered vulnerable for reasons other than risk from coronavirus (COVID-19).

Example scenarios 

These example scenarios are to help landlords understand what may be considered reasonable steps to take, to demonstrate compliance with their duties to have appliances checked annually (under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations) during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. They are not exhaustive. Landlords will need to assess the risks for each situation on a case-by-case basis.

See also Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Landlords and Tenants.

Scenario 1 – Clinically vulnerable

Scenario 2 – extremely clinically vulnerable (shielded) person

Scenario 3 – Tenant self-isolating as their household has a possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

Scenario 4 – Tenant with a family that are socially distancing

Scenario 5 – Your tenant’s household is in isolation or has a vulnerable or shielded person, but they contact you as there is a gas emergency

Scenario 6 – The landlords gas safety check is due on your tenant’s home, but you are unable to secure the services of a Registered Gas Engineer to undertake the checks

Scenario 7 – Social Housing Landlords – You are experiencing challenges in undertaking gas safety checks, for example due to tenants self-isolating or availability of engineers

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for extremely clinically vulnerable (shielded) tenants on landlord gas safety checks

Government advice is that people who are extremely clinically vulnerable people (shielded) should minimise all interaction between themselves and others.

If you have been advised by the government that you fall into this category, you should inform your landlord. Your landlord will need to consider the balance of risk presented by the gas system, with the risk to your health. This assessment will consider factors such as the age, type of appliance, previous maintenance/breakdown history and date of last gas safety check etc. In some situations, this assessment may indicate that the gas safety check should still go ahead to ensure your safety.

If you agree to allow a gas engineer into your home to carry out the safety checks, you should be aware that the engineer will follow the latest advice on Gov.uk, including guidance on safer working – other people’s homes

If you decline access to your home for the gas safety checks to be undertaken, the landlord must rearrange the gas safety check to take place as soon as possible after your isolation period has ended.

Your landlord can find out more about what is expected of them in respect of gas safety checks at this time on the Gas Safe Register website.

In an emergency:

If you smell gas, or if you have concerns about the safety of your appliances, you should call the gas emergency service provider on 0800 111 999, and switch off appliances until the gas emergency supplier, or a registered gas engineer, has attended and advised that the appliances are safe to use.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for the clinically vulnerable

Latest advice from government is that work can be carried out in homes of the clinically vulnerable, this includes essential maintenance and repair work such as landlords gas safety checks.

Workers should be particularly vigilant in respect of social distancing and good hygiene when working in the homes of the clinically vulnerable. See working safely – other people’s homes for more guidance.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for engineers on working in people’s homes

Gas engineers working in the homes of people who are self-isolating or vulnerable should follow the latest advice on Gov.uk, including guidance on working safely – other people’s homes and social distancing.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Information on who is classed as an essential worker

The link below to GOV.UK provides information on who is classed as an essential worker; please note that separate links within this page provide details for Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-getting-tested.

Coronavirus – Guidance for Letting Agents – Offices to Close

Posted on March 24th, 2020 -

We still await official guidance from the Government for landlords and letting agents. In the meantime, ARLA/Propertymark have spoken with a senior civil servant who stated that letting agents are NOT ‘essential businesses’ under the new rules as part of social distancing measures announced by Boris Johnson on 23rd March 2020. Therefore all letting agent offices must close immediately. They also stated that there should not be any in-person viewings, routine inspections or house moves.

The British Association of Removers has issued communication (on the morning of 24th March) that moves will only take place if they are already underway. Moves that have not yet started should not go ahead.


It is expected that letting agents will continue to be able to be contacted by telephone or email by tenants to deal with any emergencies.

As soon as official Government guidance is published, we will update our news feed accordingly. Therefore, any information and guidance published by SWLA so far may be subject to change.

Coronavirus – Ban on Evictions & Mortgage Payment Holiday Extended to Landlords

Posted on March 19th, 2020 -

18th March 2020 – Government announces radical package of measures to protect renters and landlords affected by Coronavirus.

  • Emergency legislation to suspend new evictions from social or private rented accommodation while this national emergency is taking place
  • No new possession proceedings through applications to the court to start during the crisis
  • Landlords will also be protected as 3 month mortgage payment holiday is extended to Buy to Let mortgages


We await further Government guidance for landlords.

Coronavirus; Boris Johnson Announces That Renters are to be Protected from Eviction

Posted on March 18th, 2020 -

18th March 2020. Boris Johnson confirms the government will bring forward legislation “to protect private renters from eviction” but will also avoid “pass[ing] on the problem” by “taking steps to protect other actors in the economy”.

No further details have yet been clarified.


Coronavirus; The Financial Help for Tenants and Landlords

Posted on March 18th, 2020 -

Many people are going to see their jobs and incomes hit by the economic effects of Coronavirus.

For business and self employment support measures, see the Business Support Government website; https://www.businesssupport.gov.uk/coronavirus-business-support/

Also see the new tool that determines what financial support your business is eligible for like loans, tax relief and cash grants; https://www.gov.uk/business-coronavirus-support-finder

Many tenants who were working before the lockdown will have been furloughed and in receipt of at least 80% of their pay. For tenants who have seen a sudden drop in income, they may qualify for Universal Credit or an increase in Universal Credit. If your tenant is struggling to make rent payments, be sympathetic and work with them. They can contact Shelter, the Money Advice Service or the Citizen’s Advice Bureau who will talk through options to access hardship funds, Universal Credit etc; https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/coronavirus




Mortgage lenders have agreed they will support customers that are experiencing issues with their finances as a result of Covid-19, including through payment holidays of up to 3 months. This may affect your future lending so it’s wise to get financial advice before making an application.

Our main advice in regards to rental income is for landlords to consider each tenants situation on a case by case basis. For a tenant who suddenly sees a drop in income, a landlord could consider a partial rent payment, the deficit to be paid at a later date. We recommend that landlords keep good records of the measures that they have implemented so it’s clear to see the request from the tenant, the reasons for the request and the solution provided by the landlord.

Cancellation of Meetings

Posted on March 16th, 2020 -

We have been advised by the Organisers of the Landlord Expo in Bristol on the 26th March, that due to the Coronavirus it has been postponed. They will advise us when this will be rescheduled.

Our Committee have taken the decision to postpone our General Meeting that was due to be held at the Future Inn on the 22nd April 2020, for the same reason. We will update you when this will be rescheduled.

The Teignbridge Landlord Open Evening at Newton Abbot Racecourse on 19th May has also been cancelled and will be rescheduled.

Coronavirus – Advice for Landlords

Posted on March 13th, 2020 -

For up to date news and information see the gov.uk website; https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

And NHS website; https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Tenants may seek advice from their landlord, in which case they should be directed to the gov.uk and NHS website above. In the event that a tenant needs to self isolate, be sympathetic and reiterate the NHS advice.

23rd March 2020, all UK residents had to stay at home, only going outside for basic necessities/food, medical need/vulnerable person care, one form of exercise per day & essential work (staying 2 meters away from people). Hands to be washed as soon as residents return home.

From 13th May 2020, the social distancing measures changed somewhat and the housing market came of of complete lockdown. See https://www.landlordssouthwest.co.uk/wp-admin/post.php?post=2595&action=edit

From 13th June, ‘support bubbles’ were introduced for those who live alone. For full details of social distancing measures and changes, see; https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do

Tenants income may be impacted thus increasing the risk of rent arrears. Discuss this with your tenant and be flexible where you can. Keep evidence of the tenants request (in writing) and your agreed solution (to be reviewed on a month by month basis), be clear that arrears payments will be negotiated at a later date. If your tenant falls into serious rent arrears which impacts your finances, keep your mortgage lender informed and they may be able to offer support to you, this will be on a case by case basis. The Government has introduced financial support packages for businesses and self-employed, there are also support measures in place for individuals experiencing financial hardship. See here for further information; https://www.landlordssouthwest.co.uk/2020/03/18/coronavirus-the-financial-impact-on-tenants-and-landlords/

You could call or email elderly or medically vulnerable tenants to check they have access to support should the need arise. If they do not have support, they can contact their local authority who can put emergency measures in place. If they are unable to do this, someone else can act on their behalf. https://www.landlordssouthwest.co.uk/2020/04/20/coronavirus-does-your-tenant-or-anyone-you-know-need-community-help-local-authority-helplines/

HMOs will have a higher risk of illness spreading. If a tenant reports symptoms or self isolation to you, other tenants within the property should read the NHS guidelines and follow hygiene guidance. You should also make tradespeople aware if they are visiting that property for emergency purposes.

Landlords remain legally obligated to to ensure properties meet the required standard. Urgent, essential health and safety repairs should be made.

Non essential visits and repairs should be carried out in line with government guidance on visiting other people’s homes safely. Remember that your tenant may wish to decline a visit from a landlord or contractor. At least 24 hours notice must be given to your tenant and permission must be sought to enter the property; https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/homes

Respect your tenant’s decisions to self isolate, remember that they have the right to exclude all others from their home. If you cannot meet your landlord obligations (i.e. gas safety check, electrical inspection etc) due to a tenant self isolating, keep evidence of the dialogue (ideally email/letter) and inform the Local Authority. After the self-isolation period, you should organise the inspection and or repairs when it’s convenient for your tenant.

On 28th March 2020 the Government released a non-statutory guidance document for landlords and tenants;


SWLA will support our members within office hours with telephone enquiries (please leave a message and we will return your call) and email enquiries. Our office is closed, however we are still working within the office to support our members. We will follow Government guidance and keep members up to date and answer any letting related queries that arise.

SWLA Meet With Luke Pollard MP

Posted on March 13th, 2020 -

Many changes are afoot within the private rented sector, we met with Luke to discuss these changes and raise points for Luke to take forward.

Items on the agenda included;

  • Renters Reform Bill (new housing court, abolition of Section 21 and it’s potential consequences and the strengthening of Section 8)
  • Rogue Landlord Database (low numbers on this database, increase in listings and access improved for it to be effective)
  • Oversupply of purpose built student housing
  • Housing Benefit (lifting of the cap)
  • Covid-19 and the effect this may have for landlords and tenants

SWLA are proud to be a voice for all of its landlord and agent members. We regularly meet with local MPs and councillors to ensure that good landlords are getting a fair deal. We look forward to meeting Luke again later in the year.