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Residential Tenancy Measures – Immigration Act 2016 – now in force

Posted on December 6th, 2016 -

From the 1st December 2016 there are two new measures in the Immigration Act that will affect the private rented sector.

  1. It is now easier for private landlords to evict illegal migrant tenants.
  2. It is now a crime to knowingly, or with reasonable cause to believe, let to illegal migrants.

This demonstrates the Government’s commitment to tackle illegal immigration.

For further information on the measures and the Immigration Act 2016 see the GOV.UK website, Residential Tenancies fact-sheet, Guidance on evictions, The Immigration Act 2016.

Rent Smart Wales

Posted on November 15th, 2016 -

Do you own property in Wales?

Rent Smart Wales 

Landlords registration and agent licensing to comply with the Housing Act (Wales) 2014 becomes law on 23rd November 2016.

To find out if it applies to you and what is required to comply with the law visit https://www.rentsmart.gov.wales/en/

Immigration Act 2016 Update

Posted on November 4th, 2016 -

Immigration Act 2016

The Home Secretary announced on 4 October that provisions in the 2016 Immigration Act relevant to the private rented sector will be brought into force across England. Today, we can announce that, as of 1 December 2016, these two further measures will come into force. They will:

  • Make it easier for private landlords to evict illegal migrant tenants.
  • Create new criminal offences for rogue landlords and agents who knowingly, or with reasonable cause to believe, let to illegal migrants.

The measures demonstrate the Government’s commitment to tackle illegal immigration, and its determination to take the necessary steps to protect public services and access to the private rented sector for our lawful residents. Today, we are sharing the news of this implementation date with you and the key points below.

Key Points


  • From 1 December, landlords could be charged with a criminal offence if they know, or have reasonable cause to believe, that they are letting to an illegal migrant.
  • From 1 December landlords can end tenancies for occupants with no right to rent.
  • For details of these specific measures, please visit the Residential Tenancies fact-sheet available on Gov.uk
  • For information on the wider Immigration Act measures, please visit the Immigration Act page on Gov.uk


Further information about both provisions will be made available on Gov.uk between now and December.  If you have any further questions you may refer to your Local Partnership Manager, if you are unsure who this is please email the LPM Support Team (I&SDLPMSupportTeam@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk).

Do you fit Carbon Monoxide detectors

Posted on October 31st, 2016 -

If so please read the following http://which.co.uk/carbonmonoxide. Which? reveals dodgy carbon monoxide detectors.

Deadline to apply for a licence in Eastville and St George

Posted on September 29th, 2016 -

Landlords are reminded if they have a rental property in Eastville or St George areas of Bristol, you need to submit your application by 30th September if you want to take advantage of the reduced fee.  If you have failed to make an application for each property by this date, you will be deemed as unlicensed and will pay a higher fee.

Applications need to be made on-line at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/licenses-permits/property-licences-for-landlords

Landlords will need to make the relevant fee payment to complete the application, the compliance reward for new applications will be refunded if valid certificates and the relevant fee are provided when an application is made OR provided by the deadline given in the licence.

Copies of valid certificates are :  Gas Safety Certificate, Electrical Installation condition report (with no defects under category 1 or 2 and no more than 5 years old), a valid EPC and fire alarm and emergency lighting certificates will also be required where applicable.

If you need assistance with your application we can guide you through the process if you contact Bristol Private Rental Sector Unit by telephone on 0117 35 21066.


Posted on February 18th, 2016 -

Following consultation last Autumn the Additional and Selective Licensing scheme was approved by Cabinet on 2nd February 2016. This means that from 1st July 2016, owners of most privately rented properties in the area will need to apply for a licence if they want to continue to let their properties.  On line applications can be made from 6th April 2016.

Landlords will have until 30th September 2016 to submit their applications.  A fee is charged for each licence, payable on application.  Applications received after this date will attract a higher fee and continued non-compliance could result in legal action being taken.

For more information, please see www.bristol.gov.uk/discretionarylicensing

New changes to the How to Rent Guide

Posted on February 2nd, 2016 -

The How to Rent Guide has been amended as of 1st February 2016. Please remember to print direct from the government website each time to make sure it is the most up to date version. Can be found athttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-rent.


Posted on January 25th, 2016 -

Funding is limited and available on a first come basis subject to tenants meeting the eligible criteria.

Grants are now available to install gas central heating in off grid areas. The grant will also help with the costs of connecting properties to the mains gas supply.

To find out more and to apply for a grant please visit


Next Landlord Accreditation Course – Newton Abbot

Posted on January 19th, 2016 -

Friday 18th March 2016 – 9:15 – 4:30pm

Venue – The Long Room, Old Forde House, Teignbridge District Council, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot TQ12 4XX.

Price – £65 for members, £75 for non-members for one day course.

Course covers ASTs, Deposits, Section 21s, Section 8s, HMOs, Gas and Electrical Safety, Inventories and much more.

The course will provide you with all the skills to start, manage and finish a tenancy.

Places still available. Contach the office on 01752 510913 or via the website to book your place.

Over 475 landlords have already completed this course since September 2011.

Course can lead to Accreditation.

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