Alphaletz (Software for Landlords)

Alphaletz (Software for Landlords)

Forget the out-of-date spreadsheets, not-so-sticky sticky notes and clunky software. Alphaletz is a modern and easy to use mobile & desktop app, designed to simplify your entire property business while saving you hours of admin.

Set up your first 3 properties completely FREE

Connect your bank – FREE
Track rents, expenses and detailed reports in seconds
Manage tenant, suppliers, contacts and owners
Task Management System with automated emails
Document Management and reminders
Create statements in seconds
Free Mobile Application

Save up to 75% of your time to run your business and scale your vision.
Easily Track Rent Arrears
Automated Rent Reminders
Dashboard Alerts
Easy Rent Scheduling
Apply Discounts & Part Payments
Run reports to simplify tax preparation